"I had always felt life first as a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller."
~GK Chesterton, as quoted in The Jesus Storybook Bible.
I’ve met some great story-tellers in my lifetime. I’m reminded of Dorris Smith, an octogenarian from the true South, in the Florida Panhandle. Ms. Smith always had a story to tell; and she told it in such a way that always kept me asking, “and then what?” Storytelling came natural to her.
I am captivated by the engaging tone and rhythm of Garrison Keillor and his ability, when he’s at his best, to subtly pull a thread of truth through an entire story. I have to work to tell a good story. I gather details, I think about plot movement, I pick up on a theme and highlight it, I rehearse the story. Years of practice with our children has made me a decent story reader. But, I am envious of natural story tellers, like Ms. Smith.
Maybe what it means for us to be created in the image of God is that we have the capacity to tell a good story. Think about it; God is an amazing story teller. And the Christmas story is one of his best tales.
There are a number of people who have convinced me of this fact in the past few years. One of these people is Sally Lloyd-Jones, writer of The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name. Now, this is a children’s Bible; but it’s a must read for every adult who loves God and a good story. Every story in this book, beginning “in the beginning,” points to Jesus and God’s plan to rescue the world through Him. When you finally get to the Christmas story—titled “He’s Here”—and see all the threads woven together in a little baby, the power of the story alone is enough to bring tears to your eyes.
You are a part of this story as well. God is weaving a theme and a plot together in your life. Romans 8:28-30 speaks to this truth. According to this verse, God’s amazing storytelling power is displayed in the lives of those who love him. When you were born plot threads were woven together that began at creation.
The Christmas story is part of your story. The Son of God & Son of Man was laying in a feeding trough for you and I. The power of that story, alone, is enough to bring tears to my eyes.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A Christmas Story
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