Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Random Meditations & Other Things

My name is Dan White. I'm a Christian Minister in a rural town of North Florida. Here you will find some of my reflections on life and some other things that I find interesting as I make my way toward my maker.

Today I offer up this prayer:
Thank you God, for this robust life that you allow us to enjoy. There is no shortage of creativity to be explored--in fact it seems to be a nearly infinite quality that we possess. There are nooks and crannies (not to mention crooks and nannies) of life that we take notice of and are allowed--even invited--to investigate as deeply as we desire. Nothing is off limits. Then, there are obvious occurrences and experiences, things unhidden and laid bare that mystify us and deserve deeper reflection than we first thought. Nothing is truly as mundane as it seems.

Thank you Father for this rich existence;

ups and downs,

joys and sorrows,

the seemingly boring and the infinitely fascinating,

people who annoy and those who bring joy,

people who distress and those who bring peace,

the same people who sometimes turn around and do the opposite,

sun and rain,

fall and spring,

the intricate and the simple,

the elegant and the clumsy,

things we create,

things we participate in,

things we observe...

And still there are things unexplored

things we fail to take notice of.

And here's the crazy thing to me, God. You allowed us the ability to perceive all this data, reflect on this stuff, process these things, talk about them, blog about them, read other blogs about them, reflect on them again, talk about them again.... We know of no other animal capable of this (Only Dawkins' typing monkey comes close; and even then its apparently pretty unlikely—like, one in 19,928,148,895,209,409,152,340,197,376 for him to type out the first 20 letters of Hamlet, to be exact—and random). David said, "What is man that you are mindful of him?" I say, "What is man that we are mindful of what we are mindful?" And even more, "What is man that we are mindful of you?"

You made [us] a little lower than the heavenly beings

and crowned [us] with glory and honor.

You made [us] ruler over the works of your hands;

you put everything under [our] feet...

O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Wow! If we perceive all this, what do those angels, made a little higher, perceive? But we don’t have time for that. You've already given us so much on which to meditate & other things!

Thank You God, Creator, Father. How majestic are you!


Anonymous said...

I love it. This prayer works well with one I say every morning, thanks to you opening my mind a little.


tabbycat said...

This is great. Loved it! You don'tr know me but I work with you mom. Great blogs you make good points in both....

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on becoming a blogger!

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